Day 1 - Building a Simple Weather Dashboard with Python, Google Cloud Storage, and OpenWeather API

Day 1 - Building a Simple Weather Dashboard with Python, Google Cloud Storage, and OpenWeather API

In this article, we'll explore how to build a basic weather dashboard using Python. The complete code for this project is available on GitHub. This dashboard will:

  1. Fetch real-time weather data for a specific city using the OpenWeather API.

  2. Store the fetched data in a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket for later use or analysis.


Before we dive into the code, ensure you have the following:

  • Python 3.x installed on your system.

  • A Google Cloud project with a Service Account having Storage Admin privileges.

  • An OpenWeather API account and your API key.

The requests, google-cloud-storage, google-auth, and dotenv libraries installed:

pip install requests google-cloud-storage google-auth python-dotenv

Project Setup

  1. Create a Google Cloud Project and enable the Google Cloud Storage API.

  2. Create a Service Account with Storage Admin privileges and download the JSON key file.

  3. Create a GCS bucket where you'll store the weather data.

  4. Obtain an OpenWeather API key by signing up for an account.

  5. Create a .env file in the same directory as your script. Add the following environment variables:


Code Implementation

Here's the Python code for the weather dashboard:

import os
import json
import requests
from import storage
from google.oauth2 import service_account
from datetime import datetime
from dotenv import load_dotenv

# Load environment variables
file_name = '<your-credentials-file>.json'
the_path = os.getcwd() # Get the current working directory
os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = os.path.join(the_path, file_name)

class WeatherDashboard:
    def __init__(self):
        self.api_key = os.getenv('OPENWEATHER_API_KEY')
        self.bucket_name = os.getenv('GCP_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME')
        self.storage_client = storage.Client()

    def create_bucket_if_not_exists(self):
        """Create GCS bucket if it doesn't exist"""
            print(f"Bucket {self.bucket_name} exists")
                bucket = self.storage_client.create_bucket(
                print(f"Successfully created bucket {}")
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Error creating bucket: {e}")

    def fetch_weather(self, city):
        """Fetch weather data from OpenWeather API"""
        base_url = ""
        params = {
            "q": city,
            "appid": self.api_key,
            "units": "imperial"

            response = requests.get(base_url, params=params)
            return response.json()
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            print(f"Error fetching weather data: {e}")
            return None

    def save_to_gcs_bucket(self, weather_data, city):
        """Save weather data to GCS bucket"""
        if not weather_data:
            return False

        timestamp ='%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
        file_name = f"weather-data/{city}-{timestamp}.json"

        bucket = self.storage_client.bucket(self.bucket_name)
        blob = bucket.blob(file_name)
        blob.upload_from_string(json.dumps(weather_data), content_type='application/json')

        print(f"Successfully saved data for {city} to GCS Bucket")

def main():
    dashboard = WeatherDashboard()

    # Create bucket if needed

    cities = ["Cairo"]

    for city in cities:
        print(f"\nFetching weather for {city}...")
        weather_data = dashboard.fetch_weather(city)
        if weather_data:
            temp = weather_data['main']['temp']
            feels_like = weather_data['main']['feels_like']
            humidity = weather_data['main']['humidity']
            description = weather_data['weather'][0]['description']

            print(f"Temperature: {temp}°F")
            print(f"Feels like: {feels_like}°F")
            print(f"Humidity: {humidity}%")
            print(f"Conditions: {description}")

            # Save to GCS
            success = dashboard.save_to_gcs_bucket(weather_data, city)
            if success:
                print(f"Weather data for {city} saved to GCS!")
            print(f"Failed to fetch weather data for {city}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


  1. Import necessary libraries:

    • os: For interacting with the operating system.

    • json: For working with JSON data.

    • requests: For making HTTP requests to the OpenWeather API.

    • For interacting with Google Cloud Storage.

    • datetime: For generating timestamps for filenames.

    • dotenv: For loading environment variables from the .env file.

  2. Define the WeatherDashboard class:

    • __init__: Initializes the class with the API key, bucket name, and creates a storage.Client object.

    • create_bucket_if_not_exists: Checks if the specified GCS bucket exists. If not, it creates the bucket in the us-east1 location.

    • fetch_weather: Makes an API call to OpenWeather to get weather data for a given city.

    • save_to_gcs_bucket: Saves the fetched weather data as a JSON file to the GCS bucket.

  3. Define the main function:

    • Creates an instance of the WeatherDashboard class.

    • Creates the GCS bucket if it doesn't exist.

    • Iterates through a list of cities (currently only "Cairo").

    • Fetches weather data for each city.

    • Prints the weather information to the console.

    • Saves the weather data to the GCS bucket.

  4. Running the Script:

    • Save the code as a Python file (e.g.,

    • Replace the placeholder values in the .env file with your actual API key and bucket name.

    • Run the script:

    •     python


This article demonstrated a basic example of building a weather dashboard using Python, Google Cloud Storage, and the OpenWeather API. This approach can be extended to:

  • Fetch weather data for multiple cities at once.

  • Process and visualize the collected weather data.

  • Schedule automatic updates to the weather data.

I hope this article provides a helpful starting point for your weather dashboard project!

Note: This article provides a basic framework. You can enhance it further by adding features like error handling, data validation, and a more user-friendly interface.